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Roof section names.
A raised structure running part or all of the way along the ridge of a double pitched roof with its own roof running parallel with the main roof butterfly roof v roof london roof.
Custom cross section diagram of a house roof showing the many different parts of a residential roof including structural parts the various layers exterior and various roof features such as skylight and chimney.
Horizontal line at the top of the roof.
Excess humidity can turn into frost if it comes into contact with cold surfaces under the roofing.
The v cut angle along the junction of two slopes of a roof.
Domestic roof construction is the framing and roof covering which is found on most detached houses in cold and temperate climates.
A roof with a monitor.
A v shaped roof resembling an open book.
Section view through a house roof drawing showing names for parts of the structure.
A structure located behind the higher side of a chimney or similar projections from the roof to divert rainwater around it.
A kink separates the roof into two parts running towards each other at an obtuse angle.